We welcome you to RH (PNG) Group’s corporate website. RH started life as a forestry company, but has now invested in almost every part of PNG’s economy, helping provide jobs, taxes, royalties and essential infrastructure and services for people in every province. RH has grown to become a trusted partner for our employees, our communities and for the government of PNG.
RH remains the largest player in PNG’s timber sector. Our timber harvesting and processing is carried out to the highest standards, in strict compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. We have invested more in downstream timber processing than any other company, and are always evaluating opportunities to increase our processing capacity.
Agriculture is another major area of investment for the Group. The Sigite Mukus Integrated Rural Development project in East New Britain is our first major initiative in this sector, and has delivered substantial returns – and thousands of jobs - for the local community. As is the case with RH forestry operations, our agricultural projects are bringing much needed infrastructure, as well as education and health investments – to some of the most remote communities in the country.
Shipping, aviation and retail are all additional focus areas for RH. Golden Shipping, Tropic Air and RH Trading are all leaders in their sectors, providing high-quality services as well as thousands of jobs to the people of PNG.
For many in Port Moresby, RH’s most visible contribution is Vision City, a world-class retail, dining and entertainment facility located in Waigani. Vision City hosts both PNG and international shops and restaurants, as well as the Cosmopolitan nightclub and Paradise Cinemas. The site also includes the Stanley Hotel, a luxury development with 438 rooms and suites, as well as a magnificent ballroom, capable of hosting 1500 guests.
RH has been operating in PNG for almost 30 years. We understand the importance of economic development to the nation. To this end, RH has established the RH Foundation to coordinate the company’s substantial philanthropic support to hospitals and health programs, educational initiatives and sports activities throughout PNG. Every year the RH Foundation makes contributions of cash, medical equipment, educational supplies and other goods to help empower local communities.
RH is proud to have been a big part of Papua New Guinea since 1991. We will continue to strive to find new ways to do business, serve communities and work with government for decades to come.
Rimbunan Hijau (PNG)