
RH is a major contributor to PNG's economic development.
RH contributes to the finances and economy of PNG through taxes, infrastructure contributions and investment.

Since 2003, RH has contributed more than K2 billion to PNG's government and communities. This has been in the form of corporate tax, wage taxes, royalties, export duties, premiums and levies, and infrastructure contributions. RH's annual wages bill exceeds K50 million; its export duty and corporate tax bill is around K55 million annually.

Forestry companies must pay royalties, premiums and levies to local communities in forestry project areas. Since 2009, RH has paid more than K30 million annually to local communities.

The company has made significant capital investments in PNG. Since the company commenced operating in PNG to the end of 2013, total investment has exceeded K1 billion. The majority of the investment has been in forestry operations and in property development.

Palm oil mill, Pomio, East New Britain
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