
RH is one of Papua New Guinea's largest timber harvesters.
RH's harvesting operations take place across 17 forest concessions throughout the country; however, some of these project areas are still on stand down status temporarily due to Covid-19 pandemic and other unprecedented circumstances. The main species harvested are calophyllum, dillenia, hopea, malas and taun. The volumes harvested vary from year to year.

Forest harvesting practised in PNG is selective logging. This means appropriate trees in a particular area are selected individually and then cut and graded for processing. The harvesting cycle in Papua New Guinea is a minimum of 25 years. This means that after an area is selectively harvested, it can only be returned to for harvesting after 25 years or more.

RH forest harvesting operations employ more than 1,800 people, most of them local.

All of RH's harvesting operations are legal and comply with all relevant laws and regulations.

See our CSR section for an overview of sustainability and legality in our forest harvesting operations.
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